WordPress 5 – How to Simply Disable Gutenberg Editor and Use Old Editor

WordPress 5 – How to Simply Disable Gutenberg Editor and Use Old Editor – Without a plugin and using one line of code:

If you’re comfortable with editing your themes functions.php file, then simply navigate to your themes functions.php using cPanel or FTP.

Modify your functions.php file by adding this one additional line of code to disable the Gutenberg block editor in WordPress 5, and use the previous WYSIWYG editor.

Add filter code below for your reference, to your child theme functions.php

add_filter(‘use_block_editor_for_post’, ‘__return_false’);

You don’t need to add any additional plugins to achieve this work around!

NOTE: This filter completely disables the Gutenberg block Editor from WordPress 5.0

WordPress 5 “Bebo” Walkthrough – the Gutenberg Editor