The Secret is That There is no Secret!

“The Secret is That There is no Secret!”

Look, I know you’ve heard it before. And it is, in part, a very true statement.

It does all come down to your relentless work ethic, period. Your vision and your commitment to continue improving yourself until you get there.

That’s the biggest ‘secret’.

So the spirit of the quote is real..

…BUT, the truth is that us big marketers do have a few ‘tips’ & ‘tricks’ up our sleeves that give us a (BIG) advantage over those starting out.

And in next Monday’s BigMike episode, I’ll let you in on our BIGGEST (and most profitable) one:

This ‘ONE THING’ brings us way more profits – and actually frees up our time to do what we LOVE.

It’s the ONE THING that separates the pros from the newbs.

And it is NOT endless video making, posting on social media all day, blogging, creating products, podcasting, building any websites or any of the time-sucking activities other ‘gurus’ are teaching you right now..

..but it IS what they are DOING.

(The secret is hidden in plain sight)

It’s your time!


Got Questions?

Contact me.
